Global Mobility of Talent Research Group
Get in touch with us
Prof. Martin Geiger
Technology clusters around the world depend on attracting foreign talent in order to remain globally competitive. Analyzing and comparing clusters in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Asia and Pacific region, our research projects are generating better understanding with the aim of supporting important policy reforms and offering actionable industry advice. We are are grateful for the financial support received through a past SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant (2017) and a current Ontario Government’s Early Researcher Award (ERA) (2017-22) and SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (2018 - 2019) and SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2019-2022).
We also acknowledge and are thankful for the financial support received from Mitacs Canada and additional financial and logistical support received from Carleton University and its Faculty of Public Affairs and Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.